4 Month Old Sleep Schedule Babywise - Child Protect Life

  4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

By the time your baby is four months old, you might have noticed that she doesn't sleep as much as she used to. That tiny infant who used to snooze so frequently? She has become more outgoing, gregarious, and curious about the world around her. This results in many 4-month-olds getting less sleep during the day and spending more time in their cribs at night.

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Although every baby is unique, this month you might see a slight increase in predictability in your baby's sleeping patterns.

4 Month Old Sleep Schedul Routine

At 4 months old, your baby's sleep schedule will vary depending on their individual needs. Generally speaking, most 4-month-olds will sleep for about 11-12 hours at night and take 2-4 naps during the day for a total of 14-16 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. It is important to establish a bedtime routine for your baby to help them transition into sleep more easily. 

click here: 3 Month Schedule

This routine should involve activities such as a warm bath, reading a book, and singing a lullaby. It is also important to create a dark and quiet environment that is conducive to sleep. You should also ensure that your baby is getting enough daytime activity and stimulation, as this will help them become sleepy at night. 

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

During the day, make sure to get outdoors, and engage in activities such as tummy time and interactive play. Finally, you may want to consider introducing a gentle sleep-training method such as the "Cry It Out" method or the "Ferber Method". These methods involve gradually allowing your baby to become comfortable with the idea of sleeping independently.

Is four months of sleep enough for a baby? 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, an average 4-month-old should sleep between 12 and 16 hours per day, including nighttime sleep and naps. Nighttime sleep should be between 9 and 12 hours, while naps should total 3 to 5 hours throughout the day.

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Babies need between 12-16 hours of sleep every day, including naps. Additionally, babies need regular sleep and wake cycles to help them establish healthy sleep patterns and promote healthy development.

What are the best ways to schedule a sleep schedule for a 4-month-old?

 1. Establish a consistent bedtime routine: Choose a calming routine that works for you and your baby and stick to it. This could include a warm bath, a massage, some stories, and cuddles. 

2. Aim for a set bedtime: Aim to put your baby down for the night at the same time each day, while taking into account any age-related changes in sleep patterns. 

3. Create a sleep-friendly environment: Make sure your baby’s room is dark, quiet, and comfortable. 

4. Keep daytime naps consistent: Work out a regular nap schedule for your baby. 

5. Avoid over-stimulation: Try to keep your baby’s activities during the day calming and slow-paced. 

6. Respond to your baby’s cues: Learn your baby’s signs of sleepiness and respond by helping them wind down. 

7. Make nighttime feedings last: Ensure your baby is taking in enough milk during their night feedings. 

8. Put your baby down drowsy but awake: This will help your baby learn to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own.

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